Saturday, November 1, 2008

First post!

Welcome to this blog.

About me. I am a transgedered lesbian mom who was recently married and is going to have a baby with my partner. Currently I intend to be anonymous on this blog as I am at work.

Here are the identifying facts about myself that I intend on revealing.

I live in a conservative state in a conservative area.

I am a software engineer.

I am white and married to a black woman.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi There, after navigating Google's ridiculous rules, I'm back for the third time. I am curious about you labelling yourself as a Transgendered lesbian mother.I am a 43 YO MTF transgender with 3 kids. I try to keep the whole "dad" thing going when I'm with them, but they know that dad wears bras, blouses, slacks and flats. I don't necessarily do that flagerantly, but then see me, and know. I'm very interested in how you deal with that and what your life experiences are.

My email address is I hope to hear from you. Huggs...